

OCT 26, 2019: We gathered.  We laughed.  We prayed for Haiti.  We were blessed to use Grace Point Church of God’s beautiful facility.  We ate good food from Premium Catering Services, Inc.  We were entertained by the one and only Al Breemersch who can sell an auction item like no other.  We cried as we watched a video of Haiti and heard from volunteers who just returned from spending a few months at Haiti Children’s Home, which is like a second home to them.  We were amazed at the children there who saved their money to buy auction items and then donated what they had left over.  Other children had a lemonade stand and donated half their profits to HCH!

A little over a week before the fundraiser we announced a matching donor had come forward and were overwhelmed with the response as over $18,000 came through in advance. Then another $61,000 was raised at the fundraiser for a total of over $79,000! But wait – that will all be MATCHED!  That’s over $158,000 raised!!

The night went so smoothly due to the amazing team of volunteers and the HCAS board & their families.

Above all we praise God from whom all blessings flow! He’s a way maker, miracle worker, promise keeper, light in the darkness. My God that is who you are.

Until next time everyone! Pray for Haiti, a nation that so desperately needs Jesus. Pray for the children, staff and volunteers at HCH; for their safety and protection during this time of turmoil. Pray for peace and for peacemakers to reside in that nation